
Whhats the skype mute hotkey
Whhats the skype mute hotkey

whhats the skype mute hotkey

Presupposes you are using the Windows Application, not the web version Currently built out for Blue Jeans, Discord, Facebook Messenger, Google Hangouts, GotoMeeting, Skype, Slack, Teams, Webex, Zoom Designed to use your key (or button press) of choice to toggle mute on conference systems

whhats the skype mute hotkey

SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% Ensures a consistent starting directory. SendMode Input Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability. #Warn Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors. Hope this gives some joy to someone as it did me today! Here's what I dreamed up: #NoEnv Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. Works, so I have expanded it to all the major conferencing systems I can think of. Main Stickied Post (Has solutions to common issues)ĭiscovered Autohotkey by accident today, so please excuse the rough code, but wanted to define a button to allow me to mute while I'm not in the app.It covers most of the basic concepts of AutoHotkey. WebIRC (Browser Based) The IRC is currently closed for maintenance.Ĭheck out the AHK beginners tutorial. If you'd prefer trying to get help from a live person, check out the IRC or Discord channels. Link to AutoHotkey's Command and Syntax Documentation Live Chat (IRC / Discord) Make sure you keep your version of AHK up to date. If your post has been resolved please flair it "Solved!".

#Whhats the skype mute hotkey code#

Put 4 spaces (or a TAB) before each line of code in the block.

whhats the skype mute hotkey

  • Code block must have a blank line at the top and bottom.
  • This makes it easier for us to help you.
  • No multiplayer scripts that give an advantage over another human.

  • Whhats the skype mute hotkey